Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Another Day....

Hai I'm back to write something here... Gosh the time show 12:47pm, And I'm still thinking what to have for my lunch later?hmmmmmm McDonald?! Not again.... Aiyah seriously don't noe what to eat...Been always out for lunch alone....maybe partly that is the reason why I don have the idea.....hehehe

Now listening to Class 95.. nice song sang by Australian Idol...hmm if I'm not wrong his name is Guy Sebastian...but donno wat the song title. I like the song :)"If you could see what I see" the chorus go something like this ah...hahahaha... wat a silly, like the song but don't even noe the whole lyrics.. too bad.
Last weekend really had a great time went to my good friend Suryani's & Man's wedding reception, she look so different & pretty... Happy for her, Yeah welcome to the club gerl... This year I had two of my good friends who had just got of them its Nooraini & Adam...I wish them all the best!!! nielah masanyerr utk berlumba2 dgn ako sapa dapat anak dulu iya....*just kidding* afterall its all in ALLAH hand, we just have to work extra hard & pray to HIM ;)
After we went to Sue's wedding, Myself, my hubby, kak Aisha, Nooraini & her hubby Adam, decided to catch a movie at suntec...It was a last minute plan, title of the show is "THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW" Nice show indeed..after the show ends, we went to have our supper at Bussorah St...We really enjoyed ourselves...chatting & laughing all the way... Hopefully we can do much next time with all the gengz..I really missed all dat funs...

Okie den i gtg, I'll drop again if i got time.... Chow ;)


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